2011年2月20日 星期日

More Digtal Paint

Candy Land

The Swan Lake

Science Fiction (The Little Mermaid)

Science Fiction (The Little Match Girl)

Science Fiction (Aakor Attack)

I was change lots from the sketch to the final painting and I’m glad to change that.
The description: It’s night and the moon is full. Flying down out of the sky, silhouetted by the moon, are three winged wolves, snarling at you and baring their fangs as they reach for you with claws unsheathed. The Aakors’ wings are like those of a large bird of prey, but everything else about their physiology, down to their bushy tails, is that of a wolf.

Science Fiction (The Giant)

We have to drew the images that is fit the description and this is the first one piece of the class.  A Giant is stomping towards you through a wood. He is as tall as a tree himself and is carrying a cow under one arm. At his waist hangs a huge barrel of beer. In his spare hand carries a stripped tree trunk which he uses as a club. He is bald, with a jutting lower jaw, which is missing a number of teeth. His clothed are made up of stitched together hides and pieces of material-things that might have once been tents or the canvas from a windmill's vanes. He has a broken, spoked cart-wheel on a rope around his neck that he's wearing like a talisman. The Giant doesn't look pleased to see you.

Advanced Perspective(Final)

Advanced Perspective(black and white)

Digtal Paint

Children's Book 2

                                                        This is  the stroy of Thumblina
book cover

the fish is helping Thumblina escape from the frogs, and the butterfly is also pulling the end of the lotus leaves' belt to help them move a little faster.

The beetles pointed out Thumblina who was far too different of them, so didn't think she is pretty.

Children's Book

                                           This is the story of Rumpelstiltskin.
book cover

The queen sarch all the name to save her kid who will be take away by Rumpelstilskin.

The wedding of King and Queen.

 Rumpelstilskin was jumping at the forest and the Queen was following him to find out his name.

ILLustration 3 class (icons and poster)

ILLustration 2 class

ILLustration1 class